

Friday, February 19, 2010

Islamic Terrorism????? is it Really that ?

I had never thought that I could express myself on such sensitive issue but the recent spat of violence one after the other marring the image of followers of Islam ought to be revisited and corrected by the majority of the world.

It is time for everyone to understand that it is not Islamic terrorism but another perpetrators of small groups or groups blinded by faith that they have the authority to retribute the people they consider infidels emphasizing on the fact “they”

The very basis of Islam the Holy Quran says………….
“…take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.”[Al-Qur’an 6:151]“…if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”[Al-Qur’an 5:32]
Islam considers all life forms as sacred. However, the sanctity of human life is accorded a special place. The first and the foremost basic right of a human being is the right to live. The Qur’an says:
Such is the values given to their followers by Islam ……….. I am flummoxed at which religion is these group of terrorists /mercenaries following ?

They are mercenaries in the guise of mullahs who have exploited the illiteracy of the Islamic followers to have brainwashed their kids at madrasas and partly to blame is the CIA who funded these mercenaries or fanatics 30 years back against Russia although they won a short term battle but look what did u get when you dug a hole for your rivals. It is this generation of trained young people who were brainwashed 30 years back into being monsters by the Talibans and the Afghan refugees.

The history of these fanatics dates back to 1700 where Islam was redefined in a narrow and intolerant way by Mohammed Abd Al Wahab , the followers of whom plundered the tomb of prophet Mohammad at Medina , stripped the Kaaba of its treasures , would anyone call them followers of Islam . Mohammad’s God was certainly not the God of Wahabi’s and they give a bad name to the muslims across the globe . Islams has a clear line even in the state of war on how to behave with the enemy .

Islam has drawn a clear line of distinction between the combatants and the non-combatants of the enemy country. As far as the non-combatant population is concerned such as women, children, the old and the infirm, etc., the instructions of the Prophet are as follows: "Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman"
[1]. "Do not kill the monks in monasteries" or "Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship. ( how come mosques and temples are bombed everyday )
[2] During a war, the Prophet saw the corpse of a woman lying on the ground and observed: "She was not fighting. How then she came to be killed?" Thus non-combatants are guaranteed security of life even if their state is at war with an Islamic state. ( How come towers are brought to ground zero )

So we need to make everyone understand that these fanatics are not heroes but heretics against the word of Islam who needs to be identified and nipped or cleansed whatever ways but people are too intimidated to do something lest even speak out to make this group identified as a separatist organization just like other criminals .

It touches me everyday when snippets are bamboozled in front of the world by the media in the name of religion , and it becomes more ironic when I go back to my Islam , it never taught us violence , taking authorities on women code of conduct etc.

It is time we speak out and let the world be free of any misconceptions about Islam !!!!!!